About Changemaker Rumah Faye
Previous International Children’s Peace Prize finalist Faye co-founded Rumah Faye in 2013 to work with exploited children because she felt there was a distinct lack of implementation of a peer-to-peer education system on reproductive health that began discussions with the kids in high-risk areas, rather than just talking to them. Since then, they have had the opportunity to establish a shelter in Batam in 2016 to run their rescue and recovery programs.
Organization Rumah Faye focuses largely on educating local communities and engaging teenagers and the focal points in the community in discussions around child protection, children's rights and reproductive health. Under its three main programs, prevention, rescue and recovery, Rumah Faye has many activities such as classes on reproductive health, child protection, trafficking or the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Project This project falls under the prevention program, where high-risk children participate in discussions concerning reproductive health and the issues surrounding it. It involves the Youth Forum in the province of Nongsa. This group will be assisted in starting peer-to-peer education by supplying them with the necessary materials. They will act as agents of change and campaign issues such as children’s rights and anti-child exploitation and will be able to detect possible cases of child abuse. The project is meant to raise awareness and encourage behavior change of the beneficiaries, related to child protection and children's rights.