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About State of Youth

The State of Youth aims to empower the youth community (12-24 years) by building a non-political, non-religious digital "state" that transcends borders. Increasing awareness, building advocacy and creating action against the most pressing issues the world faces today, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have a Youth Board that leads and oversees the overall vision of State of Youth. They lend their voices, networks, experience and time to State of Youth to ensure we are representative of a diverse youth point of view. On our unique for-youth-by-youth platform, we will focus our attention, voice and vision to key UN SDGs through the lens of youth and children’s rights. The ultimate goal is to create real change and impact, driven by youth, across the world. 

About KidsRights

State of Youth is an initiative founded by KidsRights and connected by Facebook. KidsRights works with children to create a world in which their rights are guaranteed and they are enabled to realize their great potential. KidsRights is convinced that realizing children’s rights more effectively calls for the perspective, experience and authority of children themselves.