About Changemaker Mae-Lin
I'm Mae-Lin and I'm 9 years old. With my company Doelknuffel (Goal hug) I make sure that as many children as possible who need a cuddly toy get a cuddly toy. The cuddles are designed by children like you and me and anyone can give a cuddly toy. Only if you have given a cuddly toy to another child, you can also order a cuddly toy for yourself.
The cuddly toy are made by the Worldwomen of MijnBuuf, women who are new in the Netherlands and are working on their future in a creative way. Doelknuffel wants every child that needs a cuddly toy get a cuddly toy.
Doelknuffel has as only goal to give as many children as possible a cuddly toy. We use residual materials and can always use beautiful materials to make the cuddles. We do it because we find it fun and important and to learn to do business.