About Changemaker Aisshwarya
Aisshwarya is living and studying in India. She really loves reading, especially science books.
Aisshwarya has already taken action for the environment before. She did this by telling students what they can do to protect the environment, and to motivate them to plant trees.
Currently, she is fighting against gender inequality. She noticed that girls are seen as the weaker gender in her environment. They have less rights than boys do, for example to education, health care, work and decision making. Her dream is a community in which there is no discrimination based on gender, and where boys and girls are equal.
What is the problem? Aisshwarya is noticing a lot of inequality around her. Girls are not treated the same as boys. They are seen as the weaker gender, and have less rights to for example education, health care, work and decision making. This image is created with children early on, and is therefore difficult to change.
As a result, girls have less opportunities to develop and to choose their own future. Aisshwarya wants this to change.
What is Aisshwarya’s solution? Aisshwarya is convinced that the image of girls can be changed by education and awareness. That is why she wants to inform children and parents, and make them aware of the rights of girls. She will do this via weekly awareness classes with boys and girls between 12 and 18 years old, in two villages. Next to that, she will organize an activity were not only children, but also parents will be present. They will do an exercise in which objects will be discussed related to gender: does this object remind you of a boy or a girl? These associations will be discussed and broken through. They will also make and spread posters together. These posters will illustrate the rights of girls. Last, Aisshwarya wants to set up GIRLS = BOYS Clubs, in which the rights of girls are being discussed.
In all three activities, discrimination and the impact of this on girls is the main topic. The aim is to let both children as parents see that boys and girls have equal rights.
What is her goal?   Making boys, girls, and parents listen would already be a success. Aisshwarya’s GIRLS = BOYS project will be present in two villages, when this is expanded to more villages, Aisshwarya has made a big step.
How does Aisshwarya work?  Aisshwarya is leading her project, and is getting support in this from a local organization that is also fighting for young people. The theme Aisshwarya is going to discuss is a sensitive topic in her community. That is why she is curious what the response will be, but she is assuming it will be fine. With the teaching equipment, the approach, and her knowledge, she can hopefully convince the children and their parents.
Who does Aisshwarya need?   Aisshwarya needs her friends and the local organization to support her with setting up the activities.