[Free E-Certificate Open Recruitment SDGs/TPB International Awareness Campaign]

[Free E-Certificate Open Recruitment SDGs/TPB International Awareness Campaign]

Project role (Temporary) · 0–1 hrs/Week · Starting from 9 May 2021
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State of Youth_Prabumulih
Scan me or visit www.chapters.stateofyouth.org/o/State-of-Youth_Prabumulih/activities/Free-E-Certificate-Open-Recruitment-SDGsTPB-International-Awareness-Campaign/39673 to join

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[Free E-Certificate Open Recruitment SDGs/TPB International Awareness Campaign]

Detailed description

[Free E-Certificate Open Recruitment SDGs/TPB International Awareness Campaign]

Open For Anyone (International & Indonesia) & Anyone Can Join!

This activity is all online, flexible, and easy!

SDGs/TPB, diadopsi oleh semua Negara Anggota PBB pada tahun 2015 sebagai seruan universal untuk bertindak untuk mengakhiri kemiskinan, melindungi planet ini dan memastikan bahwa semua orang menikmati kedamaian dan kemakmuran pada tahun 2030.

Sekarang kita sudah berada di tahun 2021 yang berarti tujuan pencapaian SDGs hanya tinggal beberapa tahun lagi.

Namun, saat ini masih banyak anak muda khususnya di Indonesia yang belum mengetahui apa itu SDGs/TPB dan apa yang bisa mereka lakukan untuk mengatasinya.

Oleh karena itu, kami State of Youth_Prabumulih mengadakan diskusi dan kampanye bertajuk "SDGs / TPB International Awareness Campaign".

Harapan kami dengan adanya kampanye ini, generasi muda dan masyarakat dapat mengetahui dan dapat berkontribusi dalam pembangunan SDGs/TPB di masa depan.Yuk Join Guys!

SDGs / TPB, adopted by all UN Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.                                          

Now we are in 2021, which means that the goal of achieving the SDGs is only a few years away.    

However, currently, there are still many young people, especially in Indonesia, who don't know what SDGs / TPB are and what they can do to overcome them.

Therefore, we State of Youth_Prabumulih held a discussion and campaign entitled "SDGs / TPB International Awareness Campaign".                                                                       

We hope that with this campaign, the young generation and the community will know and be able to contribute to the development of SDGs / TPB in the future. Come on, Join Guys!


1. E-Sertifikat Internasional recognized by State of Youth & KidsRights

2. Pengalaman & Ilmu baru yang bermanfaat

3. Relasi pertemanan baru

4. Forum berdiskusi dan koneksi yang interaktif

5. Dan manfaat seru lainnya!   



1. International E-Certificate recognized by State of Youth & KidsRights                                                   

2. New useful experience & knowledge                                                                                                             

3. New friendship relationships                                                                                                                                  

4. Forum for interactive discussions and connections                                                                                               

5. And other exciting benefits!


1. Seluruh usia dan wilayah manapun bisa join (Semua orang bisa join)

2. Memiliki akun Instagram dan akunnya tidak di private (harus akun publik) selama masa kampanye

3. Berkomitmen untuk mengikuti seluruh kegiatan kampanye 

4. Ikuti/Follow Instagram @stateofyouth_prabumulih



1. All ages and any region can join (Everyone can join)                                                                                        

2. Have an Instagram account and the account is not private (must be a public account) during the campaign period                                                                                                                                                             

3. Commit to participating in all campaign activities

4. Follow Instagram @stateofyouth_prabumulih

-Cara Pendaftaran-

Kalau mendaftar melalui website ini, kamu bisa langsung klik JOIN untuk mengisi formulir yang ada di halaman ini!

(How To Register)

If you registering through this website, you can directly click JOIN to fill in the form on this page!

Apabila ada yang ingin ditanyakan jangan ragu untuk bertanya ya ke Contact Person di bawah ini :

Contact Person


1. Langsung kirim Dm di instagram ini!

(Instagram: @stateofyouth_prabumulih)                                                              

2. Email Kami!

(If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask the Contact Person below)                                   

Contact Person :                                                                                                                                                               

1. Send Dm on this Instagram! (@stateofyouth_prabumulih)                                                                                                                                   

2. Email Us!


Terimakasih banyak dan Sampai jumpa di kampanye Guys!😊

Thank you very much and see you at the campaign! 😊

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support
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About State of Youth_Prabumulih

An accredited chapter from the State of Youth.
Based in Prabumulih, Indonesia.
Everyone can join!
A community to share ideas, learn about and take action on the SDGs.
Join us on an amazing youth journey!