Skivakshi's project: The Laali Project

Skivakshi's project: The Laali Project

Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 24 Jul 2023

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Changemaker Shivakshi
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Detailed description

Shivakshi started the organization 'Make India Bold' and will now start with the Laali project. In this project students from marginalized backgrounds will go through a 6 months fellowship and intensive trainings to build themselves as young change leaders for their own communities with regards to menstrual health and hygiene and gender inequality. In this way they can create meaningful impact in their own communities by getting requisite trainings with social emotional learning, entrepreunial skills, gender sensitisation and sex education to become a robust programme for period leadership.

Getting there

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About Changemaker Shivakshi

Shivakshi started the organization 'Make India Bold' and will now start with the Laali project.
In this project students from marginalized backgrounds will go through a 6 months fellowship and intensive trainings to build themselves as young change leaders for their own communities with regards to menstrual health and hygiene and gender inequality. In this way they can create meaningful impact in their own communities by getting requisite trainings with social emotional learning, entrepreunial skills, gender sensitisation and sex education to become a robust programme for period leadership.