Ritesh's project: Creating awareness about global warming

Ritesh's project: Creating awareness about global warming

Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 24 Jul 2023
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Changemaker Ritesh
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Detailed description

Ritesh wants to raise awareness with his project on global warming and the impact it has on our society. Thereby he wants to make children aware on how plantation helps us to ecape from global warming and pollution by organizing two awareness meetings in 2 different villages. Lastly, he wants to plant 100 trees in one of the villages and also organize a rally there.

Getting there

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About Changemaker Ritesh

Ritesh wants to raise awareness with his project on global warming and the impact it has on our society. Thereby he wants to make children aware on how plantation helps us to ecape from global warming and pollution by organizing two awareness meetings in 2 different villages. Lastly, he wants to plant 100 trees in one of the villages and also organize a rally there.