Reva's project: 'Taleem' a word in Hindi which means 'Educate'

Reva's project: 'Taleem' a word in Hindi which means 'Educate'

Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 24 Jul 2023
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Changemaker Reva
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Detailed description

Reva believes it is very important for children to have certain psychosocial abilities to navigate themselves in a diverse socio-economic environment such as India. Indian schools, especially in rural India do not give importance to these qualities. Their focus is mainly on academic grades. In order to help solve this problem, Reva wants to organize life skills development workshops curated and edited for the specifications of the multiple socio-economic schooling environments.

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About Changemaker Reva

Reva believes it is very important for children to have certain psychosocial abilities to navigate themselves in a diverse socio-economic environment such as India. Indian schools, especially in rural India do not give importance to these qualities. Their focus is mainly on academic grades. In order to help solve this problem, Reva wants to organize life skills development workshops curated and edited for the specifications of the multiple socio-economic schooling environments.