Mitchell's project: School orchards for Climate Action
Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 24 Jul 2023
Changemaker Mitchell
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Detailed description
Mitchell wants to set up environmental clubs in 10 Primary Schools in Chipinge District to enhance understanding of environmental issues support of school curriculum on environmental education and climate action awareness. In addition, she wants to establish school orchards in 10 Primary Schools in Chipinge District that will serve to educate learners, school staff and community members about the importance of fruit trees in environmental action.
About Changemaker Mitchell
Mitchell wants to set up environmental clubs in 10 Primary Schools in Chipinge District to enhance understanding of environmental issues support of school curriculum on environmental education and climate action awareness. In addition, she wants to establish school orchards in 10 Primary Schools in Chipinge District that will serve to educate learners, school staff and community members about the importance of fruit trees in environmental action.