Wealthy Healthy Outreach

Wealthy Healthy Outreach

Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 24 Jul 2023
The Philippine Tarsier Conservatory, Corella, Corella, Bohol 6337, Philippines
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Changemaker Championing Community Children (C3)
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Detailed description

Championing Community Children (C3) was founded in 2006 by International Children’s Peace Prize Winner 2012 Kesz Valdez. He leads the organization together with other children. C3 works with street children in different communities to increase the children’s knowledge about health, the importance of education, children’s rights and community interests. Organization C3 focuses on improving the life conditions of street children an potential street children through prevention and attention. This youth organization embodies the principle of “CHANGING THE WORLD, ONE HEART AT A TIME” by spearheading programs and projects that uphold and foster children’s rights, children empowerment and participation around the world. Championing Community Children creates a structured way of reaching a child in need. Project With its holistic approach to address the rights of a child, C3 focused on its Wealthy Healthy Outreach along with its supplementary projects to aid and address their rights. The Wealthy Healthy Outreach program teaches children about hygiene, the importance of good nutrition and the rights of children. During the program, C3 teaches a few of the children in the community how to be a leader and how they can facilitate participation in the community. After six months these new leaders can continue the program and C3 will move to a new community. In addition, C3 also distributes ‘Gifts of Hope’ to the children, including soap, a tooth brush and school supplies.

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About Changemaker Championing Community Children (C3)

Championing Community Children (C3) was founded in 2006 by International Children’s Peace Prize Winner 2012 Kesz Valdez. He leads the organization together with other children. C3 works with street children in different communities to increase the children’s knowledge about health, the importance of education, children’s rights and community interests.
Organization C3 focuses on improving the life conditions of street children an potential street children through prevention and attention. This youth organization embodies the principle of “CHANGING THE WORLD, ONE HEART AT A TIME” by spearheading programs and projects that uphold and foster children’s rights, children empowerment and participation around the world. Championing Community Children creates a structured way of reaching a child in need.
Project With its holistic approach to address the rights of a child, C3 focused on its Wealthy Healthy Outreach along with its supplementary projects to aid and address their rights. The Wealthy Healthy Outreach program teaches children about hygiene, the importance of good nutrition and the rights of children. During the program, C3 teaches a few of the children in the community how to be a leader and how they can facilitate participation in the community. After six months these new leaders can continue the program and C3 will move to a new community. In addition, C3 also distributes ‘Gifts of Hope’ to the children, including soap, a tooth brush and school supplies.